Sunday, December 2, 2012

Tina The Target Adult Size B002SRU83M

Tina The Target Adult Size Small - 3.3 out of 5 stars from 10 customer reviews

Cute but not so comfy....
Although this costume looks great with the "Billy bulls-eye", I had some issues with it. The lace around the bodice and the gloves of the costume were really itchy. Depending on your tolerence level, it was quite bad. The knives are tricky to get into the small holes the manufactuer leaves for them to go through. I had to use a glue gun to get them to stand straight out from the costume, I filled the hollow handles with hot glue and held them straight while I hot glued around the front of each knive. I followed this with red puffy paint the next day to simulate blood. The head piece was very comfortable, that surprised me. It was loose enough not to squeeze your head, but it stayed in place most of the night. This costume went down in price in'07, as opposed to the higher price in '06. Better deal considering the feel of the costume. I would still buy it since it's so original and not a dorky couples costume.

Great costume
this was a great costume a lot of people had never saw it before it was a great hit with the male part with it the target man. The only things is the knives really didnt stay in the dress that well but overall great costume!

Fit is good with some minor adjustments
I had been eyeing this costume for a few years when I found it on Amazon for a price I was willing to pay. I made a couple of minor adjustments to it so it looked a little better, and more importantly, so that the knives would stay in place and actually hold their shape. Another reviewer stated that she used hot glue to fill up the knives to give them more support as without the support they flopped around and didn't look very knife-like. I did the same and it worked for the most part. I also added some black lace and thin red ribbon as straps on the dress (more for appearance as the dress stayed on just fine.) I received many compliments on the costume and was very happy with my purchase.

> Click to See Editorial Reviews

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