Super Cute, but she won't wear it
This is a beautiful costume. I love it. But as some costumes tend to be, it's scratchy. We tried a long-sleeved shirt underneath, which was unattractive and still didn't prevent it from being scratchy for her. We had to turn the wings upside down to keep them from bugging her neck. It was great for one night because it was so cute, but I know she'll never voluntarily put it on again for dress up or for costume.
I may try cutting off the sheer long sleeve to see if that helps enough for her to wear it. (I didn't even realize it was long-sleeved in the picture--click to enlarge it and see). If so, I'll update this later.
This is a beautiful costume. We only had one problem with it on Halloween. The wings wouldn't stay on, but she looked so cute in it even with out the wings.
Let's Pretend Butterfly Fairy
Let's Pretend Butterfly Fairy Costume ordered this in a 4t my youngest little girl. She likes to play dress up as princess, pirates and fairy's and the dresses at wal-mart, target, and some other box stores were expensive and cheap looking. When I cam across this on Amazon and the price was marked down to below what a Fairy Halloween costume would cost. Thought what the hey...right Wrong !!!!! she had problems getting in and out of it and the sleeves caught on her fingers and anything else she walked by. There is netting from the puff sleeve down to the wrist with ribbon around the top and bottom of the sleeve that get pulled and snag easily.( cant see it in the picture) Think holes not runs. She tried to play dress up 3 or 4 times with it and then just gave up. Looks cute would not buy or recommend to anyone
Let's Pretend Butterfly Fairy Costume
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