2 pieace cheapest lounsey thing i ever seen it bad there nothing good about it not even worth it worse one i ever seen
cheap and workable
I bought this costume as a base for another costume. I was most concerned with the sleeve length and the collar.
First of all, the white section of the collar is much smaller then the picture implies. Out of the box, the collar is probably around 1.5 inches and has a gap between the bottom of the white collar and the black collar of about .5-.75 inches. It's very noticeable as it doesn't rest flush against the shirt at all. I ended up going to a craft supply, buying some white fabric and making it bigger.
It's also very thin material, you -will- need to wear something on underneath. That being said, the Velcro used to hold the front closed isn't very 'sticky' and I ended up sewing more Velcro pieces to prevent it from tearing open.
The shirt is also VERY long. Since the supplier carriers a very small selection of sizes, I had to go with a shirt 2x my size, even so the shirt shouldn't have reached past my knees! mid-thigh I could see, but I could of...
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